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Epivir (Lamivudine)

Qty-Price (USD)
Type: drug type
Product: Epivir Oral Solution
Manufacturer: GSK
Country: Canada
Dosage: 10 mg/ml/240 ml
Qty-Price (USD):
Type: drug type
Product: Epivir
Manufacturer: GSK
Country: Canada
Dosage: 100 mg
Qty-Price (USD):
Type: drug type
Product: Epivir
Manufacturer: GSK
Country: United Kingdom
Dosage: 100 mg
Qty-Price (USD):
Type: drug type
Product: Epivir
Manufacturer: GSK
Country: Canada
Dosage: 150 mg
Qty-Price (USD):
Type: drug type
Product: Epivir
Manufacturer: GSK
Country: Canada
Dosage: 300 mg
Qty-Price (USD):

Generic Equivalent of Epivir
Qty-Price (USD)
Type: drug type
Product: Lamivudine (Lamivir HBV - Cipla)
Manufacturer: Generic
Country: India
Dosage: 100 mg
Qty-Price (USD):
Type: drug type
Product: Lamivudine HBV
Manufacturer: Generic
Country: Canada
Dosage: 100 mg
Qty-Price (USD):
Type: drug type
Product: Lamivudine (Lamivir - Cipla)
Manufacturer: Generic
Country: India
Dosage: 150 mg
Qty-Price (USD):

Epivir Information

Drug name: Epivir, Heptovir
Generic name: Lamivudine
Use: Human Immundeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B

Epivir and Epivir HBV is used to treat human immudeficiency virus (HIV), while the HBV version is used in the treatment of Hepatitis B. The active ingredient is Lamivudine, which is an antiviral medication. It works by preventing the viruses HIB and Hepatitis B from multiplying in the blood, thus slowing down the diseases. Epivir HBV is not suitable for use people who are being treated for both HIV and Hepatitis B. It may sometimes be used in combination with other drugs as the HIV worsens. Your doctor may recommend this medication for other purposes not listed. Call us at 1-866-920-3784 (toll-free) or email us.

Side Effects

The possible side effects include:
• Coughing;
• Insomnia, strange dreams;
• Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea;
• Joint or muscle pain;
• Dizziness, headache, fatigue;
• Changes in body fat.

More serious side effects may include:
• Liver damage (vomiting, stomach pain, jaundice);
• Lactic acidosis (muscle pain, tingling, difficulty breathing);
• Pancreatitis (severe pain in stomach, vomiting, fast heart rate);
• Peripheral neuropathy (numbness, tingling in the hands or feet);
• White patches or sores in or around the mouth;
• Easy bruising or bleeding;
• Fever, chills and body aches;
• Signs of any new infections.

If you still have questions about side effects we always suggest further conversations with your doctor.

Safety in Pregnancy and Children

Before you purchase this medication, tell your doctor if you have any of the following medical conditions:
• Liver or kidney disease;
• A history of pancreatitis;
• If you have used any similar medications before.

It is not known whether this medication may harm your baby. You may need to register your name if you are pregnant while taking it to record the outcome of your pregnancy. It is not advised that you breastfeed while taking this medication. You must discuss the risks and benefits of using it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding with your doctor. This medication is safe for use in adults only and should not be given to children unless specifically recommended by your doctor.


“I have found this drug very successful in slowing down my infection – Amy, DC

The generic alternative is not manufactured by the company that makes the brand product.

Similar Drugs in the category of AIDS Medications, HIV Treatments:

   Atripla    Combivir    Biktarvy    Reyataz    Efavirenz/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir

The information on this page is sourced from independent third parties contracted by CanadaPharmacyOnline. While we cannot guarantee its medical accuracy, we strongly recommend consulting a healthcare professional for personalized advice regarding medications or medical conditions. Prices listed are in US dollars.

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